How 3M Found and Hid Forever Chemical Dangers

Ominous depiction of 3M Corporation as a large factory emitting toxic fumes with polluted surroundings.

Early Discoveries at 3M In 1997, Kris Hansen, a chemist at 3M Corporation, embarked on an unexpected journey that would unveil alarming truths about chemical contamination. Known for inventing Scotch Tape and Post-it notes, 3M produced a variety of products containing fluorochemicals. These man-made compounds, found in products like Scotchgard and Scotchban, played a crucial … Read more

EPA Found More NC Water Systems Contain PFAS

Contaminated water being discharged with North Carolina PFAS contamination guidelines overlay.

Newly-released data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reveals that 20 more drinking water systems in North Carolina are contaminated with toxic PFAS chemicals, commonly referred to as “forever chemicals.” These substances persist in the environment and accumulate in human blood and organs, raising significant health concerns. The Scope of Contamination Across the United States, … Read more

$3 Billion Allotted To Remove Lead Pipes

Worker holding a section of an old, corroded lead pipe with "Toxic Lead Pipes" text overlay.

In a significant step toward revitalizing America’s drinking water infrastructure, the Biden administration has pledged an additional $3 billion to assist communities in replacing hazardous lead pipes. This initiative is part of a broader effort under the bipartisan infrastructure law, promising a total of $15 billion over five years aimed at modernizing the U.S. water … Read more

Chemours vs. EPA Legal Battle Over GenX

Chemours industrial facility with complex structures and steam emissions against a cloudy sky.

In a high-stakes legal confrontation with wide-ranging implications, Chemours has challenged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over its GenX health advisory level, setting the stage for a judicial review that could reshape regulatory and public health landscapes. This article delves into the complexities of the case, the arguments presented by both sides, and the potential … Read more

At Least 44 Million People Exposed To PFAS

map usa pfas forever chemicals

Recent revelations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have ignited widespread concern: an astounding 44 million Americans are drinking water tainted with toxic PFAS chemicals. These findings, derived from testing less than a third of the nation’s water supplies, signal a potentially larger crisis. PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known as “forever chemicals” for … Read more

PFAS In Drinking Water Is Worse Than Reported

Polluted waterway with murky water, representing the broader issue of water contamination including toxic PFAS chemicals.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made a significant discovery that impacts the health and safety of millions of Americans. The revelation is 26 million people across numerous communities have PFAS chemicals in their drinking water. This underscores a growing environmental concern. PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a group of man-made chemicals notorious … Read more

EPA Moves to Ban Toxic DCPA Weed Killer

Two individuals in protective gear handling equipment in a field.

A Step Forward for Public Health The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington has shed light on a serious issue. They’ve found that a weed killer called DCPA is dangerous. DCPA is also known as Dacthal. It’s been used on food crops and sports fields for a long time. Now, the EPA thinks it might … Read more

Supreme Court Ruling Weakens EPA Water Protections

Dust rising from a plowed agricultural field with young crops under a hazy sky.

The Supreme Court’s recent 5-4 decision on the Clean Water Act marks a pivotal moment. It significantly limits the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) power to protect the nation’s drinking water from agricultural runoff pollution. This ruling narrows the definition of “Waters of the United States” that the EPA can regulate. Consequently, the agency’s ability to … Read more

Federal Court Mandates EPA to Regulate Perchlorate

Water pouring from a faucet into a clear glass in a sink, suggesting clean drinking water.

A landmark ruling by a federal court has directed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate the presence of perchlorate in the nation’s drinking water. This decision has widespread implications for public health, particularly for the estimated 12 million Americans exposed to this harmful chemical found in rocket fuel. The Ruling’s Background Perchlorate is a … Read more

EPA Invests $6.5B in U.S. Water System Upgrades

Large concrete pipe laid in a trench with surrounding exposed earth. Title: Installation of a Concrete Pipeline

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made a groundbreaking announcement, committing over $6.5 billion to significant improvements in drinking water infrastructure across the United States. This substantial investment aims to address severe contaminants like lead and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), often termed “forever chemicals.” Key Investments and Impact A portion of this funding, $3 … Read more