New EPA Rule To Remove Lead Pipes

Workers replacing lead pipes in a neighborhood

Access to clean drinking water is a fundamental necessity, yet for many Americans, aging infrastructure and lead-contaminated pipes pose a serious threat to public health. Experts Chad Sidell, President of Corona Environmental Consulting, and Dan Tadesco, leader of the Community Water Systems division at BRDA, shed light on these issues and the solutions available to … Read more

Lead and copper in 800 Norfolk water lines, Suffolk about 3,000

A person in a lab coat testing water samples in a laboratory with various beakers and equipment.

Hampton Roads residents are urged to check their water pipes immediately. A new federal mandate requires all U.S. cities to identify and remove lead water service lines, a known health risk. Is Your Water Safe? Hampton Roads officials say the water is safe due to corrosion control programs. These treatments prevent lead and copper from … Read more